1.) What music or songs reminds you of your childhood?
Mr. Snyder says: American Pie. While I definitely know this song, I didn’t hear it until later on in life. I listened to Barbie Girl, Whatever You Like, and a lot of Eminem.
2.) Who is your favorite singer or group or song and why?
Mr. Snyder said his are Bon Jovi and Eminem, “because they freaking rock”. I don’t really listen to Bon Jovi, but Eminem and I jam out.
3.) What music reminds you of someone you love? Your child? Spouse? Parents?
Flower by Amoslee reminds Mr. Declue of his wife. There is so much music that reminds me of my family and loved ones that I can’t really narrow it down. Like, for example, Sky Full of Stars by Coldplay is my little sister’s favorite song, so when I hear it, it reminds me of her.
4.) Do you go to concerts? Which concerts are memorable to you? Why?
Mr. Declue has been to see Amoslee, Guitar Vocal Band, and Dennis Jemigin. I, on the other hand, have never been to a concert.
5.) What radio stations do you normally listen to in your car? Do you sing along?
Mr. Ireland says: 90’s alternative. I will sometimes listen to this too, so we have that in common!
6.) Which music or artist was “controversial” or “offensive” to some when you were growing up? Is any music offensive to you now?
Mr. Snyder says that Hank Williams Jr. being really controversial when he was growing up, and now there isn’t any music that’s offensive to him. To me, no music is really that controversial. There might be some I don’t agree with, but that music or song or artist might be someone’s favorite.
7.) Which music or artist do you really dislike or refuse to listen to?
I like that Coldplay song your sister likes, too. I hadn't thought of Hank Williams, Jr. as being controversial, but I guess he was back then. It doesn't really phase us to hear artists singing about pot now!