I have thousands of memories dealing with food. From cooking with my mom – or dad, because he cooked a lot too – to absolutely loathing a specific type of food (I am a huge texture eater). Actually, I have gotten grounded over eating something. Basically, it went like this:
“Beth, you didn’t eat more than two bites!”
“Yes I did. I have five.”
“No you didn’t. Don’t lie to me, I know the truth. And the truth is that you’re lying to me right now.”
“No I’m not. I ate more than two bites, I swear.”
In the end, I got grounded to my room for the weekend. But, being the sneaky little kid I was (and am) I did not listen and went ahead and did whatever I wanted to do. No one punished me. My dad actually looked over at me once and asked, “Aren’t you supposed to be grounded?” Naturally I said no, or that I did not care, or something to that effect, and that was it of my ‘punishment’ for lying about eating.
But the most constant memory I have is simple: I like to eat. In all of my baby pictures I have something crammed into my mouth, or clutching it in my chubby baby hands. I would not stop eating. My weight was out of control, and I was honestly on the verge of obesity. A few more years of eating like I did, and I would be there by now.
Thankfully, I had a wakeup call and got myself together. Granted it was not a very nice call, but it worked nonetheless. While I still eat like crazy (because who does not like food?) I have figured out how to balance what I eat – for the most part – and keep a healthy weight. I still eat what I want when I want, but I definitely know when to stop.