My youngest sister and I are ten years apart. Even though we argue like no other, we get along about eighty percent of the time and she manages to crack me up. #sistersforlife |
When I first moved here, I thought that school would be horrible. But I had this teacher that made things so much easier, and has taught me about both education and life. #c'sgetdegrees |
One of my favorite teachers at KHS. At the age she is now, she has a family and a steady career, exactly what I want by the time I reach that point in time. #gettinit |
Twilight had managed to capture thousands of peoples' hearts, and I am not that ashamed to admit that I was one of those people, too. #sparkles
As a cute little red box, this love picture caught for eye to stand in for something square, and because it is just adorable. #homedecor |
Sometime in my life I want to go and travel the world. Plus, it was pretty revolutionary when we discovered that the planet is actually round, not flat as first thought. #whoknew |
This picture is pretty self-explainatory. Plants come directly from nature, and nature is really cool and beautiful. Also, the school is apparently turning into a rainforest. #savetheearth |
In order to make this face, a little effort had to be made. Just like in real life, sometimes a little effort needs to be put forward in order to be happy. So, smile. #happytimes |
Little kids typically love animals. So when I saw these tiny little paper elephants, my mind automatically thought about little kids and a few Disney movies. #dumbo |
In the future, whenever I think about my time spent at KHS, I will remember the lanyards and ID badges. Simply because they are just horribly annoying. #feellikeanofficeworker |
I am in love with your little turtle! What a cute face. Same with your little sister. Your accidental picture of the stairs is really cool--I might use it in Think. Magazine!